I am entering my eight academic year working as a
professional in a college setting. It is definitely a life-enriching
opportunity for me. In my current position, I have become aware of one of the
most common and puzzling attitudes students often display. It is the feeling of
shame when it comes to seeking for help; particularly academic help.
When I worked for the former TRIO/ McNair Scholars Program
at Marian University, I remember telling students: “don’t be silent about
your needs.” I shared that piece of advice with them because I
remembered exactly what happened to me when I needed help and I did not do
anything about it. More importantly, there were also times when I sought help
regarding my academic needs. Those days, I will never regret them.

With English being my third language, I vividly remember how
helpful it was for me to visit the Writing Center at Marian with many of my
assignments. Yes, there is a lot of writing assignments in college. For
instance, it never pleased me when my grades suffered because of improper
grammar use in many of my Business classes. As a result, I had decided to invest
some time in seeking for help with my writing.
[I now hope what I am writing makes
sense to you. I am still trying to improve my English. :) ]
In my role now as the director of the Upward Bound Math and
Science Program, it has become clear to me that many students still feel
embarrassed when it comes to getting academic help.
Since this past academic year, the UBMS program at Marian
has offered tutoring services to program participants, with the ultimate
objective of enabling them to improve their grades and their confidence in
subjects that are challenging to them. The tutoring services are not meant to
expose students and their weaknesses. It is rather a way to ensure that the academic
needs of each of them are being met as they prepare for a college education.
Very often, in one-on-one conversations, I ask students to
fast forward in time and think about the following two scenarios:
- Looking back on your education (high school, college, and beyond) and remembering going to tutoring sessions.
- Reviewing your transcripts, reminiscing about the missed opportunities to get help in improving grades.
I am certain that most, student would prefer scenario number
one. Being brave can allow this scenario to become a reality for you. Think
about all the possible great things that can happen in your life as a result of
obtaining good grades.
Students, as you start another school year, I would like
to challenge you in making some positive time investments in your own
educational advancement. Ask for academic help. Go to tutoring. Sometimes, you
may think that you don’t need it and you get surprised at the end of a grading
period. Don’t let that happen to you. Be proactive. Be preventive. Be engaged.
Join a tutoring session. Talk to someone who can help you improve your grades.
If you are a participant in the UBMS program at Marian University, talk to one
of us (Team UBMS).
Contrary to what you may believe, asking for help will not
make you look foolish. It is certainly tough to struggle in a particular class.
However, it is not a shameful decision to take the steps to improve your
grades. Get some academic help. That’s where your pride should be. Trust me;
there is a lot of pride and advantages in getting good grades. You will “love
the way you look” with good grades.
Ultimately, there is absolutely no shame in learning.
Director of the UBMS program at Marian University
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