Introducing the UBMS Speaker Series: "Math and Science in My Daily Job" Starting this Fall!

By: Tracy Abler and Garry Moise

The UBMS staff is excited to introduce a speaker series that will feature presentations given by  professionals and educators from the Fond du Lac and surrounding areas.

Some of the topics that guest speakers will discuss include their field of study, their career, their daily job, their research, and their organization. More importantly, speakers will be encouraged to inspire the UBMS students by talking about the involvement of mathematics and science in their daily work as problem solving tools.
They may also choose to do some innovative demonstrations of their area of knowledge if possible. The ultimate goal is to help UBMS students know what sort of work they would be doing if they choose to pursue a similar career path.

Speakers will also be encouraged to provide general advices on picking colleges that are suitable for specific career paths.

Each 1- to 1-1/2-hour presentation will consist of lecture; demonstations, if permitted; and time for questions from the audience.

Students are encouraged to actively participate by taking notes, asking questions, and writing reflections on the topics being discussed.  All active UBMS students are required to attend these sessions.  Their families are welcome to attend as well.

The ultimate objective of this speaker series is two-fold. Its aim is to stimulate a passion for mathematics, science, and technology learning. It also aims to boost students' intellectual curiosity as future problem solvers.

The program administrators are actively seek out businesses and organizations that are willing to partner with the UMBS  program in educating our students on the variety of career opportunities that exist in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 
