Reflection Papers 101

Wednesday, January 29th at 12:06 p.m. at Horace Mann High School
Thursday, January 30th at 9:40 a.m. at Fondy High in the Community Room
As the title implies, students will learn the basics of reflection paper writing.
The UBMS Staff will answer the many questions of reflection paper writing like:
Do I really have to write one?
Why do I have to write one?
What happens if I do not write one?
What if I miss events?
What do I write about?
How do I get started on my paper?
How long does it have to be?
Who do I send it to?
When is it due?
What if it is late?
What do I do if I do not have internet at home?
Who should I ask to help me?
Most importantly, students will learn that reflection paper writing is really just a thinking exercise.  More than hearing what students are learning, we want to hear how what they are learning is being applied in their life and/or how they plan to use it in their future. 
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